Poems and Proverbs
Thought-provoking poetry and proverbial sayings by James Gibbons. If you like truth to the point, here it is.

Sometime ago my sister Peggy said that she would like to have a copy of my poems if I ever printed them. I have written a few through the years as sort of a personal expression to myself. Some of the poems included here go all the way back to my teenage years. Most were rather crudely written, so I have tried to polish them up a little for this presentation. Part of them had been put together in a theme binder for family and friends. One of them, "I Saw Him Standing there (Or, The Old Gospel Preacher)," was featured in The Sword and Staff publication. It was well received, and many requested the free copies made available suitable for framing. Thus encouraged by the reception of this poem, and with others strongly suggesting that other poems that I had written be printed, this little book is forthcoming. The poems are primarily religious in nature, and most have their roots in special meaning to me. They might be of some interest and value to you. Here they are. Along with these poems of the soul, making up this little volume, are several hundred proverbial sayings that I have written. The Book of Proverbs in the Bible has always had a special appeal to me. I remember the first time that I read it as a youngster. My immediate reaction was, "Wow! This is great!" Truth expressed in a select number of choice words has a special appeal. It gets and holds our attention. It helps in remembering the truth (and incorporating it into our lives). So, here is a little book of poems and proverbs that ponders, praises, and preaches (and even prods). May it serve a good purpose as you read it.

This volume is a follow-up to our first little book, Poems of the Soul and Proverbs, following the same general approach and format. It was really a pleasant surprise to see how the first book was so favorably received (and the favorable response continues). We thought this kind of material was no longer of interest to readers but are pleased to have found out otherwise. Perhaps the brevity of expression accommodates modern man in his busy pursuit of life. Over-all this current book takes more of a preaching tone, and thus we call it Poems and Proverbs that Preach. Words are written especially to drive home a point. There are not as many poems in this book as in the first one, but the “proverbs” are much greater in number (almost 1300 such sayings, about 400 more). The book is a few pages longer. If you like the truth to the point, here it is. There is no “beating around the bush.” And like the first book, the poems and sayings are arranged in alphabetical order. If this little book in some way can be used to glorify God and to stir men’s minds in a good way about spiritual truth and their relation to God, we will be pleased. We humbly commend it to that end.
Freda Gibbons June, 2013
Jim had mentioned to me several times he wanted to do a second book of Poems and Proverbs, but he had not had the time to do so. In cleaning out the computer room I found a notebook and a disc compiled in 1995 and edited again in 1997. The first section of this book is exactly as Jim had laid it out for printing. I have added poems he wrote after the 1997 edit and with a grateful heart, the ones he wrote after coming home from the hospital on March 15, 2013. My husband passed away April 10th and this project has been a labor of love to fulfill my dear husband’s wishes. (Poems with an * after the title were written in 2013.)